CenturyLink and Windstream are both rural internet providers that provide internet service via telephone lines but are now switching to fiber. They both also have very consumer-friendly policies such as no data caps and no term contracts.
Windstream Internet is cheaper for the first 12 months, but CenturyLink has standard prices that don’t hike after a set promotional period. CenturyLink also has better subscriber ratings on almost all major platforms.
This guide highlights the major differences and similarities between Windstream and CenturyLink and reviews the internet plans offered by both. Let’s look at the differences first.
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Windstream vs. CenturyLink: Differences
Speeds and Prices
Windstream Internet plans start at $39.99 for 12 months. If you live in one of Windstream’s fiber markets, you’ll get the 500 Mbps symmetrical “Kinetic Fiber Internet” plan. However, if Windstream only has DSL where you live, you’ll only get download speeds up to 100 Mbps for the same price.
On the other hand, CenturyLink’s 100 Mbps DSL plan called “Simply Unlimited Internet” costs $55 per month while its 500 Mbps fiber internet costs $50 per month. While CenturyLink appears costlier on the surface, a deeper look reveals that it’s more affordable in the long run.
CenturyLink has standard everyday prices for all internet plans, i.e., there’s no price increase after 12 or 24 months. New customer prices are the same as existing customer prices, which ensures the rates stay competitive no matter how long you’ve been with CenturyLink.
Coverage Areas
CenturyLink and Windstream serve different markets. It’s likely that you have the option to choose between the two unless you already know both are available in your area.
According to FCC’s coverage data from December 2022, Windstream covered about 0.7% of units with fiber-to-the-premises internet service and about 2.6% of units with copper-based (DSL) internet service. CenturyLink only covered about 1.7% of units with fiber-to-the-premises internet service while offering copper-based internet service to about 9% of units in the US. Overall, CenturyLink Internet serves more markets and is available to more customers, but Windstream has a wider fiber coverage.
Gig and Multi-Gig Speeds
CenturyLink offers its 940 Mbps plan in all of its fiber markets. Windstream had gig speeds available only in select fiber markets when FCC’s data was released. However, since then, it has massively upgraded its networks across its fiber markets in 18 states and it now offers speeds up to 8 Gbps to around 400,000 units in the US. Windstream says it has become the largest 8-gig ISP in the US, although we’ll have to await the FCC’s next coverage data update to verify this claim.
Autopay Requirements
The standard prices of Windstream Internet plans include a $10 Autopay discount, i.e., if you don’t sign up with autopay, the price automatically goes up $10 a month. Many customers avoid signing up with autopay as it gives away your banking information and the ISP can start changing you more anytime they want. You still get recipes via email, but checking the bill every month to verify that the ISP hasn’t overcharged you is a hassle.
CenturyLink doesn’t require signing up with Autopay nor does it offer any discounts for it, which may be good for many. However, both require paperless billing. CenturyLink charges $1 more for paper bills while Windstream charges $2 more.
Subscriber Ratings
CenturyLink has better reviews and higher average ratings than Windstream on most major platforms. This may be due to their relatively stable prices, more reliable connections, and better customer service.
Windstream vs. CenturyLink: Similarities
DSL Services
Both CenturyLink and Windstream primarily offer DSL internet services in most service areas. You can get speeds up to 100 Mbps with both depending on how far you’re located from the ISP’s head office.
Availability in Rural Areas
Both ISPS primarily serve rural and suburban areas where other high-speed options are limited.
Contract Terms
Neither CenturyLink nor Windstream require a term contract with any of their internet plans. You can change providers any time you like.
If you haven’t decided which ISP to go with yet, perhaps comparing the current internet offers will help you make up your mind. Here’s a quick overview of internet plans from both CenturyLink and Windstream
Windstream vs. CenturyLink: Internet Plans
Windstream Kinetic Internet Basic
- Price: $39.99 per month (for 12 months)
- Max Speed: 100 Mbps
The Kinetic Internet Basic is a DSL internet plan with a max download speed of 100 Mbps. However, the max speeds may be limited in areas located at a long distance from Windstream’s nearest head office. This plan is still faster than other wireless rural internet.
CenturyLink Simply Unlimited Internet
- Price: $55 per month
- Max Speed: 100 Mbps
CenturyLink’s 100 Mbps DSL plan is slightly costlier, but the price doesn’t go up after 12 months. This product also suffers from distance limitation but is still faster than wireless rural internet options.
Windstream Kinetic Fiber Internet
- Price: $39.99 per month (for 12 months)
- Max Speed: 500 Mbps
The Kinetic Fiber Internet plan is a significant speed upgrade compared to the basic DSL option despite being offered at the same promotional price. It’s symmetrical and comes with all the features fiber internet is known for, including low latency and high reliability. This plan was the fastest internet plan available in all of Windstream’s fiber markets in 2022.
CenturyLink Fiber Internet 500 Mbps
- Price: $50 per month
- Max Speed: 500 Mbps
CenturyLink makes a powerful statement about its future by offering its starter fiber internet plan at an even lower monthly rate than its DSL plan. This speed tier is available everywhere CenturyLink offers fiber internet.
Windstream Kinetic Fiber Internet GIG
- Price: $69.99 per month (for 12 months)
- Max Speed: 1000 Mbps
While this plan was only available in around one-fourth of Windstream’s fiber markets in 2022, that may have changed. Windstream’s symmetrical gig internet is available at an introductory price of $69.99 per month.
CenturyLink Fiber Internet 940 Mbps
- Price: $75 per month
- Max Speed: 940 Mbps
CenturyLink’s 940 Mbps symmetrical fiber internet is also available everywhere the company has fiber. While it’s not exactly gig internet, it’s meaningfully just as fast as the comparable plan from Windstream.
Windstream Kinetic Fiber Internet 2 GIG
- Max Speed: 2000 Mbps
- Price: Unknown
The Kinetic Fiber Internet 2 GIG plan boasts impressive maximum symmetrical speeds of 2000 Mbps. While 2-gig internet may be attractive to users who want to be able to download large files faster, it’s not as widely available as slower plans.
Windstream Kinetic Fiber Internet 8 GIG
- Max Speed: 8000 Mbps
- Price: Unknown
The Kinetic Fiber Internet 8 GIG is a fairly new plan launched in the third quarter of 2023. Windstream hasn’t disclosed the price of this plan, but Fierce Telecom says it’s priced at $299 per month.
Long story short, both CenturyLink and Windstream offer DSL and fiber internet in different areas with unlimited data and no annual contract requirements. Windstream has multi-gig speeds up to 8 Gbps in some areas while CenturyLink’s fastest plan maxes out at 940 Mbps. While Windstream’s introductory prices are lower, CenturyLink Internet is offered at standard rates that, unlike Windstream, don’t hike after 12 months.