Having a car at university can make a huge difference to your life. It will make getting to and from uni much easier each day, allow you to do large food shops, visit home, and get out for day trips without worrying about public transport. Buying a used car as a student can also be stressful, especially as it will be a major expense. Here is a 6-point checklist to follow to ensure you get a good deal.
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1. Set a Budget
First, you need to work out what you can afford to spend. Keep in mind that things can be tight as a student without a car, so you may want to consider a part-time job if you will struggle. In addition to the cost of the vehicle, you will also need to factor in running costs.
2. Identify Your Needs
Next, you should establish your needs. You should think about how many people you will need to be able to take, what kind of journeys you will be making, and your estimated annual mileage. Generally, for students, it will be best to opt for a hatchback or city car – these will be practical as well as affordable to buy and run.
3. Research & Compare Options
Once you identify your needs, you can establish a suitable category or two. You can then research and compare your options to come up with a shortlist. Always make sure that you are browsing cars from a trusted dealership.
Make sure that you know how to properly check over a used car and take it for a test drive. Additionally, paying a mechanic to assess the car is smart – this will ensure that it is roadworthy and a smart purchase. You can also get a vehicle history check to uncover any hidden issues with the vehicle.
4. Review the Sales Contract & Negotiate
Once you have decided on a vehicle, you should review the sales contract to ensure everything is in order. It is also worth negotiating the price of the vehicle – do not shy away from this; it is common practice, and you could save yourself a tidy sum!
5. Get Insurance
You must have insurance to drive away with the vehicle. If you do not have an annual policy arranged, you can take out temporary insurance until you do.
6. Maintain the Vehicle
Finally, you need to know how to maintain the vehicle to reduce the chance of issues. You need to book MOT online each year to keep the car legal and roadworthy.
These are the six main steps to take when buying a car as a student. Having a vehicle can be a major plus at uni, but it is vital that you know how to find the right car and get a good deal.